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Male protagonist, please don't twist the plot [wear the book] -- Nan Wei

Posted by 11 days ago (

Description: Perhaps they are not the strongest one, but the refugees are terrible because they are not afraid of death. The place it passes through is like a locust passing through, and it is also like a snowball rolling bigger and bigger, until finally it is like a spark starting a prairie fire, which can not be stopped. Big Childe Shen Qiongshu finger knocks the table the speed to be faster and faster, closes the eye to meditate, that solemn appearance, lets Shen Yaolin atmosphere not dare to come out. After about a cup of tea, the eldest son Shen Qiongshu suddenly stopped and opened his eyes, which were awe-inspiring and dignified. Within four months, the Shen family must leave Luoyang City. If you leave in half a year, when the world is completely chaotic, it will be difficult to leave. Shen Yaolin and Shen Fu looked at each other. This Is it so urgent? He There are a lot of people in the Shen family. How to go? Take that route? How to arrange the cost of food and clothing along the way? Shen Yaolin has a headache when he thinks about it. However, seeing his elder brother Shen Qiongshu's slightly white face because of excessive use of his brain, Shen Yaolin could not say another word of doubt. I am responsible for sorting out the list of relocation personnel and mobilization matters. "And fill the remaining thousand." Shen Yaolin took the initiative to ask his eldest son Shen Qiongshu for work. Then I will be responsible for the mobilization of these old people of the Shen clan. Those old people of the Shen family have lived in Luoyang for generations, and if they are asked to move to Longxi out of the blue, they are afraid that there will be resistance in their hearts. Yan Nu and Ji Nu are the younger generation, this kind of thing or he comes forward to take care of the most appropriate. Big Childe Shen Qiongshu also does not refuse, "good, these two matters are troublesome father and younger sister." Three months to move the whole clan to Longxi, is not a small matter, he has too many things to do. But the most important thing is to write two letters. A letter to Shilang who stayed in Longxi. Isn't it just for this day that he put the younger generation of the Shen family in three places to experience? The other one. Nature gives to whom it is due. If you want the Shen family to go to Longxi like this, how can you not express it? …… The author has something to say: from Luoyang to Longxi, a journey of thousands of miles, an aristocratic family, in troubled times, surrounded by wolves, moving and pulling the whole body, the small bell is really unable to take a trip on the go, smoothly meet with the man.. Looking forward to the little angels who are in the same frame with the male and female protagonists, they can save up and see again. Chapter 72 "Niang, eat the cake." A little girl of five or six years old, with two small twigs on her head, tied with hemp rope, wearing a half-new coarse cloth, was weighing her feet, trying to put the cake in her hand into Ying Niang's mouth. "Mother is not hungry, warehouse rack manufacturer , and Sanya will eat." Ying Niang smiled and touched the yellow hair on Sanya's head, and her eyes were full of love. Although Sanya was as thin and weak as ever, Ying Niang was very satisfied compared to the way Sanya was dying of hunger in her arms before. She is now assigned to the kitchen to do some menial work of washing and selecting vegetables. With food to eat, a house to live in, and her third daughter to accompany her, Ying Niang had nothing to be dissatisfied with. Had it not been for the fact that Shen's daughter had saved them and let them into the Shen family, she and Sanya would not have known where they had died. Mother, please eat. I earned it by folding clothes. The third girl still didn't give up and stuffed the cake into her mother's mouth. "I can earn a cake by folding my clothes for a day. You don't have to give me your share.." "San Ya'er Niang, this is San Ya'er's mind, you just eat a mouthful." The old man in the other bed opened his mouth and said with a smile, "It's rare for Sanya to be so filial." The old man was the old lady who had been begging with her under the city wall. Her husband's family name was Wu. It was her son Wu Dashan who brought Shen's Green Villa to recruit people and encouraged her to come with her. After entering the villa, Aunt Wu lived with Yingniang Sanya and two other pairs of mothers and daughters. On weekdays, Aunt Wu took care of them a lot, and Ying Niang was always grateful. Thank you for taking care of Sanya on weekdays. If you hadn't watched her, how could I have time to help in the kitchen? Ying Niang said gratefully. Sanya is only six years old. She can't take her with her when she goes to work. She can't see her and she's worried about being bullied by others. "If it hadn't been for Aunt Wu, she wouldn't have known what to do." Don't say that. With a wave of her hand, Mrs. Wu said with a smile, "I was just trying to earn a mouthful of food. It doesn't take much effort to see these children. Plus I have to take over the work of folding clothes. It's enough for me to support myself." Aunt Wu is very satisfied with her present life. Self-reliance makes her live very calmly in the villa, and she doesn't have to worry about being driven out as a burden. He is also full of admiration and gratitude to the owner of the Green Villa. Ying Niang envied in her heart. Aunt Wu herself got a cake because her son had entered the Green Villa. If she chooses to look after the child, she can get a cake, plus the work of folding clothes, while folding and looking after the child, without delay, she can get a cake. Without her son Wu Dashan, she can take good care of herself and have a full meal. Look at their own three Ya-er, Ying Niang heart is gratified and distressed, even three Ya-er can now earn a cake. However, two cakes a day, or too little, Sanya is the time to grow up, Ying Niang wondered if she should change to earn more work to do. Like learning to farm. Sanya Niang, are you going to learn farming?! That's a man's job, dirty and tiring. "Oh," said Aunt Wu with some concern. I am not afraid of hardship and tiredness. I used to work in the fields when I was at home, and I could compare with more than half of the labor force. The most important thing is.. If you go to learn farming, you will get a good salary and a lot of money. In this way, Sanya can eat more, and when she saves some money, she can add some thick clothes to Sanya. So.. When Dashan comes to see me, I'll ask him to ask you about the rules. Wu Dashan, the son of Aunt Wu, was one of the first to learn farming. He could come back to see her every seven days. Counting the days, he should be able to come back to see her tomorrow.



The Legend of Killing God in Online Games

Posted by 11 days ago (

Description: Long Xiao Tian was silent. He found that his recent experience was really weird. First, he suddenly woke up and sent out a god-killing, then he met a monster that could not be killed. Finally, he met the Titans in the lost world. Was all this the arrangement of fate or the premeditation in the dark? The old patriarch seemed to see what he was thinking: "Is the Lord confused about coming here?" "Yes, I've been having a very strange feeling these days," said Long Xiaotian helplessly. "If that's the case, according to the prophecy, we will tell you the location of the magic city." The old patriarch looked at him with some hope in his eyes. According to the prophecy, as long as the Lord went to the magic city, it would gain great power, and the Titans would be liberated. Do you know where the ancient city of demons is? Long Xiaotian asked in surprise. "Yes, it's a cursed city." The old patriarch said lightly, the tone can not hide a trace of fear, "that magic city within a hundred miles, few people, no matter who, as long as a close, the vitality will quickly fade, even with our Titan's terror constitution, also dare not easily approach." Where is the city now? Long Xiaotian asked hurriedly. "I'll send someone to take you there." As soon as the old patriarch finished, Long Xiaotian stood up and said, "It won't take a while. Send someone now." "All right, somebody!" The old patriarch shouted outside. Suddenly two strong men came from outside, "lead the Lord to the Demon City," the old patriarch shouted, his tone was excited, trapped here for ten thousand years, he wanted to return to the Demon Lord all the time, let the Lord uphold justice for him,Industrial pallet rack, destroy the damn Protoss, The two men, of course, knew the prophecy, and as soon as they heard the patriarch say these words, they bowed respectfully. "Please, Lord.". ” "En," Long Xiaotian walked out of the door, feeling a little excited, after all,long span shelving, without the power to kill God, his strength has been greatly reduced, and now he can restore his previous strength, of course, he is very excited. Long Xiaotian led by two Titan men, slowly walk in the desolate land, long Xiaotian bored behind them, until the Titan men stopped, "Lord, please forgive us can't lead you, the front is the direction of the devil city," "All right, I'll go by myself." Long Xiaotian waved his hand and walked alone. The two men looked at him deeply and then turned away. Sure enough, just step into a step, the value of life slowly decreased, the dragon Xiao Tian wry smile into the ring, ready to take out some red medicine, while eating and walking, at this time, killing God suddenly issued a light cry, pipe cantilever rack ,Pallet rack upright, in the dragon Xiao Tian body more than a blood-red boundary, had slowly reduced the value of life suddenly stopped reducing, Long Xiao Tianchang breathed a sigh of relief, no longer worried about the problem of hanging up before he reached the ancient city of Demon Skeleton. As he continued on his way, he was a little surprised by the scenery around him. The lush trees had lost their original color, and everything had no color! No wonder this place is called the lost world. Long Xiaotian walks on the road with an indifferent expression, looking at the gloomy scenery around him from time to time, just like shopping. In fact, life is the same. Everyone is on the road from birth, step by step. When he finishes all the journey, he sadly finds that the end of the journey is not important. What matters is whether you stop or not. To see the beautiful or plain scenery around? Horrible magic city, standing on the ground, slightly solemn atmosphere here added a strange, Long Xiao Tian raised his head to look up at the tall castle, the corners of his mouth slightly up, after so many setbacks, finally came to one of the three forbidden places in the legend, and what is waiting for him here? "Squeak" Long Xiaotian looked at the big iron gate in front of him in surprise, and opened it automatically and slowly. Long Xiaotian was slightly stupefied and strode into the city gate. The city was empty. As long as Long Xiaotian walked alone in the street, "What's the matter? Why is there no one here?" Long Xiaotian muttered to himself, frowning, and at this time, the silent Deicide once again sent out a long cry, and the sword body trembled. "Where is he?" Long Xiaotian held the killing God and asked in a low voice. As if attracted by a force, he flew out of the hand of the dragon and flew to the highest attic in the city. Long Xiaotian hurried to catch up with the past, that is the day artifact, ah, he now needs to rely on more than half of the strength of this weapon, the attic, a tall and majestic figure sitting on the roof, a cold armor, in the heart but there is a shocking hole, in the sunset, the figure appears lonely and desolate, he looked up at the sunset, eyes with a trace of sadness and helplessness, This man is Ao Tian! At this time a red light rushed to him, he conveniently a move, killing God obediently flew to his hand, "killing God, killing God, we have not met for ten thousand years, right?" He muttered to himself, not knowing whether he was confused or sighing. "Kill God, stop!" Long Xiao Tianbian scolded, but his footsteps did not stop, chasing after the killing of God, rushed up to the attic, but he was stunned to find that Ao Tian was stroking his sword and sighing. With a slight glance, Ao Tian asked carelessly, "Are you the deicide of this generation?" "Er, I am," in the face of this ultimate BOSS sweeping the divine world, even if Long Xiaotian is bold, he dares not have the slightest disrespect, people can easily second you. "Well, I can't imagine that I've been here for ten thousand years, but my inheritors are still handed down. Is this an irony?" Ao Tian said with a wry smile, his expression was not lonely and arrogant, but somewhat tired and decadent. "No," said Long Xiaotian with a smile, knowing what he meant. "I know why you came," Ao Tian laughed. "Do you want to know why I didn't die,Drive in racking system, but I came here?" "Yes!" Long Xiaotian nodded. "In fact, I don't know why I survived, and I don't know why I came here." Ao Tian gave an answer that was not the answer. He shrugged his shoulders casually. He stood up and looked at the sky. "I don't known when I came here. I've been trapped in this place for ten thousand years!"



Immortal inverse

Posted by 11 days ago (

Description: When he appeared, he immediately spurted a big mouthful of blood. His eyes were dim. He looked back at Wang Lin viciously and was about to run away, but it was still too late. Those countless souls, once again roaring, twelve purple and gold main soul, sent out bursts of grim smile, once again rushed. Volume 6 Chapter 402 Lao Zu Extinction Chapter 402 Lao Zu Mie. The ancestor of the giant demon clan gave a sad smile. The one billion soul banners could even resist the monk, not to mention him. At the moment, although the ancestor's tomahawk was in hand, he could not exert all his power with his cultivation. In a flash of his eyes, he gave a loud roar, and the huge axe in his hand was suddenly thrown out and waved at Wang Lin. The huge axe broke through all the soul barriers, as fast as lightning, and came in the blink of an eye. Wang Lin's eyes flashed without the slightest fear. At the moment when the axe came, the fairy sword was in front of him. "Bang" Blood flowed again from the corners of Wang Lin's mouth, and his body retreated several feet. As for the axe, it was ejected and landed on the earth a hundred feet away. The old ancestor of the giant demon clan was pale, and his eyes were full of crazy color. He took a vicious look at Wang Lin, raised his hands, and took a deep breath. In the shock of the primordial spirit, he said in a deep voice: "Gifted magical power!" The reason why he has never displayed his natural magical power is precisely because this magical power, when the body is not completely seized, will cause unimaginable harm to the primordial spirit, and may even collapse,Cantilever Storage rack, which is undoubtedly suicide. Only when the physical body is completely fused, there is no danger, because the huge anti-devouring power will be absorbed by the physical body and really transmitted to the primordial spirit, although there are many, but it can bear. Wang Lin's eyes were cold. He took a look at the ancestor of the giant demon clan. Without saying a word, a little soul banner came again. Suddenly, a large number of souls came roaring again. This giant demon clan Lao Zu, Wang Lin must kill undoubtedly, this person knows he has day inverse,Pallet rack supplier, must not stay! The whole sky seemed to be manipulated by a pair of invisible hands, and in the blink of an eye, a huge black vortex appeared above the ancestor of the giant demon clan. This scene is the same as the magical power that Wang Lin used when he saw the other side and Sun Tai in the first World War. At this moment, countless souls wrapped up and devoured the ancestor of the giant demon clan. In the stuffy hum, the ancestor of the giant demon clan laughed wildly. The crazy meaning in the laughter was very obvious. Turn! The huge whirlpool, suddenly turned up, suddenly, an incredible suction force, immediately appeared, this suction force appeared, the giant demon clan around the soul, immediately a part of the screams, have been sucked into the whirlpool. Wang Lin felt a huge suction enveloping his whole body, and his body involuntarily flew toward the whirlpool. Wang Lin, the old man is fighting for the collapse of the primordial spirit, but also want to trap you in the starry sky! The ancestor of the giant demon clan drank loudly, and countless souls on his body, Steel racking system ,Narrow aisle rack, especially the twelve infant souls, had already penetrated into his body, devouring his primordial spirit crazily. His body, at this moment, has lost all flesh and blood, and the primordial spirit has been broken. Wang Lin's eyes were calm, and he was sucked by the whirlpool and looked back at the ancestor of the giant demon clan. A thought-provoking smile appeared at the corners of his mouth, and he whispered: "Eat!" As soon as this remark was made, the speed at which the soul was devoured suddenly rose rapidly, and the ancestor of the giant demon clan hummed several times miserably, and eventually the whole primordial spirit collapsed completely and disappeared. The ancestor of a generation of giant Demons died. However, the supernatural power has been opened, Wang Lin's body, was immediately sucked into the whirlpool, in the moment of entry, Wang Lin's right hand called, all the souls, immediately poured in, forming a huge soul chain, his body was locked to resist the whirlpool. At the moment of soul chain resistance, Wang Lin opened the array that had been built in the valley before. At this moment, the suction of the whirlpool suddenly increased. With a low roar, he recalled all the souls. Of course, the storage bag of the ancestor of the giant demon clan would not be let go by him. After receiving these items, Wang Lin felt that the suction increased and could not stay. Suddenly his eyes flashed, his eyes fell on the huge axe a hundred feet away, his right hand raised and grasped it in the air, and a force of resistance immediately came from the huge axe. Wang Lin sighed lightly. At the moment, his body was sucked by the whirlpool and quickly dragged into it. Wang Lin raised his right hand again and carried all his spiritual power in a low drink. He shouted, "Stop!" Resistance came from the axe again, but this time it was Wang Lin who caught it in the air and pulled it to his side. The strength of the struggle on the axe grew stronger and stronger, trying to break away from Wang Lin's collection. Wang Lin's eyes flashed, and under a little bit of his left hand, several purple and gold souls roared out, wrapped the axe, and flew quickly. At this moment, half of Wang Lin's body had already entered the whirlpool. At the moment when he completely sank into it, he grabbed the giant axe and put it into the storage bag. Then the whole person was completely sucked into the whirlpool and disappeared in the rosefinch star. After a while, the whirlpool dissipated. On the ground, only the broken body of the ancestor of the giant demon clan was left. Until he died, he had no chance to unlock the seal for his people, and watched helplessly as the giant demon clan suffered a disastrous decline. In the void beyond the rosefinch star, Wang Lin's figure suddenly appeared. His face was pale and bloodless. Very strong talent, if this giant demon clan ancestor to the middle or late stage of infant change, then the array given to me by the ancestor of Dun Tian can not be stopped at all. Wang Lin was silent a little, patted the storage bag, and immediately the star compass flew out. He sat on the star compass and galloped away in the direction of the rosefinch star. Li yuanfeng and the ancestor of the giant demon clan have died, presumably the rosefinch kingdom will soon be informed of this matter, now the key thing is to help Waner through the second reincarnation of heaven. Wang Lin's eyes flashed, and the star compass was faster. Half a month later, the rosefinch star was in sight. From a distance, the rosefinch star was too small, and there was an even smaller planet beside it. There was the place where Wang Lin entered by mistake when he came back from the fairy world. Wang Lin hesitated a little, and as soon as his mind moved,Pallet rack beams, the direction of the star compass changed, and he flew toward the slightly smaller planet. Like a meteor, the star compass flew in from the planet and passed through a layer of air waves. Wang Lin immediately saw a continuous mountain range below.



Great Qin Empire 1

Posted by 11 days ago (

Description: The study of the prime minister's mansion is in the second entrance of the front yard, in the courtyard of the state hall. The State Affairs Hall is the main hall for Gongshu to deal with government affairs, and is also the center of the Prime Minister's Office. There is a moon gate to the west of the State Hall, and the entrance to the moon gate is a delicate courtyard. In the courtyard, there is a pool, green trees and pavilions, which are particularly quiet. After the pool, there is a row of six bays of brick and stone house, this is the study of the prime minister mansion. In the Warring States Period, the power of the prime minister was very great. This kind of "big" is not to replace the monarch's decision-making, but to exercise the daily administrative power independently. The so-called Kaifu means that the prime minister's residence is an independent government office, and the prime minister has the right not to enter the palace but to convene officials in the residence and issue instructions. Other officials, except for the special permission of the monarch, must handle official business in their own or in charge of the official office, the residence is only a simple sense of residence. Gongshu Kui is the old prime minister of Wei, and Wei is the most powerful, rich and civilized country, the prime minister's mansion is even more extraordinary. In the study of the prime minister's mansion, there are not only the world's famous ancient books and the articles of famous scholars of various schools since the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, but also the decrees of the royal family of Luoyang, the Warring States Period and the vassal States, as well as the decrees and books since the reform of Wei. The so-called learning in the government means that the government has a collection of books and a major intellectual class that the people can not match. The study of the prime minister's mansion was managed by six young concubines and one middle concubine. Most of the young concubines were young officials, who actually did a lot of daily sorting,heavy duty warehouse rack, repairing and engraving. A concubine is an adult civil official, usually a subordinate official of an important minister of Kaifu, who can take charge of any specific affairs designated by the minister of Kaifu. In the prime minister's mansion of Gongshu, the concubine has always been in charge of the study. When the maid came to the study, there was a man in white sitting in front of the grown book case, looking down and turning over the bamboo slips intently. The maid came in and he didn't even notice. Concubine, the prime minister asked you to go immediately. Hearing the sound, the man in white at his desk looked up, nodded suddenly and stood up. He was tall and slender,Narrow aisle rack, with a long white cloth shirt that almost covered his soft white cloth shoes. Even his hair was tied with a white ribbon, and a white jade hairpin was inserted in his hair. Although he was very young, he had a pair of sharp and deep eyes and an angular face, which was different from the round and huge face common in the Central Plains. There was a kind of cold and noble demeanor in his calm manner, which was far from the status of a petty official in the prime minister's mansion. He was Wei Yang, the concubine in charge of the study, who was invited by his uncle. When he stood up, he asked in a low voice, "Has the King of Wei been here?" "My concubine," said the maid, "the King of Wei hasn't been here yet. He said he was coming at noon." He said nothing more and walked out of the study in silence. From the second study to the small courtyard of the prime minister's bedroom, we have to go through three courtyards. The young concubine walked in the deserted courtyard, sighing softly from time to time. Once upon a time, here or officials like shuttle steaming hot, the old prime minister after years of illness, the prime minister mansion has become a deserted place, heavy duty racking system ,Warehouse storage racks, even the most busy ordinary days out of the hall courtyard also gave birth to moss. Is this the vicissitudes of life, the ups and downs of the official sea? Hurriedly came to the prime minister bedroom, Wei Yang hand ceremony, "Wei Yang see the prime minister." He stopped talking. Gongshu Kui waved his hand, and the maids retreated. Madam, you can also avoid it. Uncle Kui has never wanted his wife to hear about political affairs in advance. Whenever there is a big event, he will tell his wife to avoid it. Gongshu's wife also knew that the old husband was fastidious, so she got up and sat down, sighed faintly and went out. Gongshu looked at the young man in front of him and said slowly but clearly, "Yang, you have been here for five years in the name of studying. In fact, I have not taught you anything. On the contrary, you have opened up a new world for me.". If you hear the way in the morning, you can die in the evening. Seeing that Wei has talents like you, I will die in peace. "Gongshu prime minister, Wei Yang in the mansion for five years, read the world's classics, and follow the prime minister to study government affairs, benefit a lot.". Wei Yang remembered the prime minister's great kindness. Wei Yang looked a touch of melancholy. Uncle Kui shook his head slightly, "Yang, don't say that.". I want to tell you that I hope you can stay in Wei and achieve the hegemony of Wei. The power of Wei should unify the whole country. Every time he talked about the hegemony of Wei, his uncle gasped excitedly. Gongshu Prime Minister, I think the weather in Wei is not good. The King of Wei won't use me. Wei Yang looked very indifferent. "Why do you think so?" There was surprise in the old and muddy voice of the uncle. On the one hand, since the king of Wei ascended the throne, he craved for greatness and success, and was obsessed with showing off his national strength. Such a monarch had no insight into the decline of Wei, nor did he have a desire for talents to govern the country. Second, the official corruption of Wei was too serious, the healthy trend of strength competition was eliminated, and the evil trend of ingratiation was growing. Immersed in corruption and extravagance, how could the king of Wei use a small concubine? Third, General Pang Juan had become an important minister of the King of Wei, and his military exploits had made the government and the public of Wei intoxicated by the superficial prosperity. Together with the king of Wei, no one would have thought that Wei's strength was shrinking, and no one would have thought that Wei needed a second political reform and a second climb. The situation is like this, how can the state of Wei urgently seek talents? At this point, Wei Yang sighed heavily, "Gongshu prime minister, Wei will not be strong for a long time.". It is useless for Wei Yang to stay. Uncle Kui stared at Wei Yang closely, with a strange light shining in his eyes. "Yang, you always have special insight.". That's why I want to recommend you. But please tell me the truth. If the king of Wei can really use you and entrust you with an important task, what will you do? "Within twenty years, the state of Wei will unify the whole country." Wei Yang's tone suddenly became firm and confident. The uncle heaved a long sigh of relief, and his face was flushed with excitement. "Oh, I'm going to die soon.". Can you tell me who is your real teacher? I really want to see this master. It is a great pleasure in life to get the world's talents and educate them. I long for this master to have a disciple like you. Wei Yang: "Gongshu, Prime Minister, you have an appointment with me. You will never tell me his name.". I should rely on my genuine talent and learning to stand between heaven and earth, and not to stand in the name of my teacher. My good and evil, merits and demerits, should be borne by myself. I'll keep my promise. Gongshu Kui was silent for a long time and sighed with a sigh, "You and other teachers and students are so independent in the world that there are five colors in the sky,radio shuttle racking, abundant and colorful in the world." The maid came in and whispered, "Prime Minister, the King of Wei has arrived." ?



3m, N95, KN95, medical protection, so many masks, are you wearing the right one? _ Standard

Posted by 11 days ago (

Description: Original title: 3m, N95, KN95, medical protection, so many masks, are you wearing the right one? In the winter of 2020, masks have become the most popular "New Year's goods", and there is a trend that "masks" are hard to find. After all, the most effective way to prevent and control the epidemic is to wear masks. Faced with the overwhelming influx of information and the rush to buy in the circle of friends. We meet again with a large number of keywords. What's the difference between "3m", "N95", "Medical Surgery" and "KN95" masks with different labels? Can't you stop the virus without wearing N95? I believe everyone has the same doubts, so Zhidian classifies and summarizes the types of masks sold on the market, hoping to help you calm down and choose. According to the recommendations of the World Health Organization and many experts at home and abroad, it is recommended to use N95/FFP2 masks of the same or higher level for protection when influenza virus comes. So what is N95 mask? N95 Explanation: N95 is a standard developed by NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health). N "means not resistant to oil." 95 "means that the particle concentration inside the mask is more than 95% lower than that outside the mask when exposed to the specified number of special test particles. The value of 95% is not an average, but a minimum. What is the KN95 with more "K" than the N95? KN95 level is one of the levels specified in the Chinese standard GB2626-2006. N95 and KN95 are basically the same in terms of technical requirements and test methods, but they belong to different national standards. Here, you should note that N95 or KN95 is not a specific brand product name, as long as it meets the N95 (or KN95) standard and passes the examination,Virus Prevention Mask 3 Ply with Earloop, it can be called "N95 (KN95) mask". Expand the full text Medical protective mask or surgical mask or disposable medical mask. Most people will also confuse several types of medical masks. In fact, the simple understanding is to use different levels of masks for different use environments. The technical requirements of medical protective masks need to meet the technical requirements of GB19083-2010, and the requirements for filtration efficiency and resistance are higher, so the filter material must reach N95 level or above. The corresponding standard of surgical mask is YY 0469-2011: among the three types of masks, the requirements for hemodialysis conditions are the most stringent. The environment used is clinical surgery and other environments. The corresponding standard of disposable medical mask is YY/T0969-2013, which is simply the most common mask used in hospitals. (Image from: Pupu's lab) These masks, in terms of virus protection effect: Medical protective mask (N95 ? KN95) > medical surgical mask > ordinary medical mask (including medical nursing, disposable medical mask, etc.) > protective articles in other mask shapes (cotton gauze protective mask, windproof and warm mask) > bare face 3m masks, KN95 Face Mask ,Against Bacteria Breathable KN95 Face Mask, which are often mentioned, refer to all products produced by 3m that can be called masks. According to 3m, it can be divided into medical masks, particulate protective masks and comfortable and warm masks, each of which has different protective emphasis. There are many models. Zhidian also searched on Zhihu for half a day, and 3m officially recommended 9501V + protective masks, which can prevent influenza virus. Note: Many people mentioned that masks with breathing valves can not prevent viruses, which we also refuted a rumor. Both medical N95 and N95 respirators have the function of respiratory protection against particulate matter suspended in the air. However, because the medical N95 is used in a medical environment, the medical mask worn must be able to prevent the droplets and bacteria produced by the wearer's breathing and speech from entering the surgical environment, and at the same time resist the penetration of blood under pressure, and the mask itself must be hygienic, so the number of microorganisms on the original mask can not exceed the standard, and the mask is not allowed to have an exhalation valve; However, N95 protective masks do not have the function of surgical mask, which can protect against influenza viruses, infectious droplets or other harmful particles in the air, and it is sufficient to use ordinary N95 protective masks or protective masks with equivalent performance. Choice of masks for virus prevention At present, there is a shortage of 3m N95 mask on the market, and small partners should not be nervous about you, as long as the mask meets the N95 standard, other brands can also be purchased. Of course, you really can't buy an N95 mask, and it's better to wear an N90 mask than not. We also found a related test of the filtering effect of most masks from Zhihu, for your reference only. (Mask filtration effect test-filtration standard for non-oily particles above 0.3 micron, from Zhihu) In fact, in addition to masks, we can prevent infection through the following measures: If not necessary, try to avoid going to public places where people gather. Staying at home is always the safest. Wash hands frequently, use soap and hand sanitizer to clean hands before meals and after defecation or touching public articles; change and wash clothes worn outside in time after returning home. Keep the environment ventilated, open more windows at home to keep the air circulating for about 30 minutes each time. Pay attention to rest and nutrition,KN95 Mask for Epidemic Prevention and Control, improve self-immunity, do not cause immunity decline due to excessive staying up late and fatigue, and increase the risk of self-infection! Return to Sohu to see more Responsible Editor:.



What is the CE certification process for N95 mask exported to the European Union _ Protection

Posted by 11 days ago (

Description: Original title: What is the CE certification process for N95 mask exported to the EU? Can the KN-type mask with exhalation valve in line with GB2626 be used? Because doctors and patients wearing masks can not guarantee that they are healthy and virus-free (infectious during the incubation period), and the airflow of masks with exhalation valves is only one-way protection, which can not cut off the transmission route very well. From the perspective of epidemic control, two-way protection is the most correct way, so it is not recommended that such masks be used in current medical institutions. (The GB 19083 also explicitly mentions that "there shall be no breather valve".) Well, maybe you don't quite believe what we say, so let's take a look at the demand of the front line in Wuhan. Recently, Wuhan front-line protective equipment is in short supply. Many hospitals have issued a "Notice of Receiving Loving Donations". If you take a closer look at these notices, you will find that almost all hospitals are very clear that the protective equipment they need (medical protective masks) are required to meet the GB 19083-2010. Not GB2626-2006/2019! Protective mask standard: GB 19083-2010 Having said all that, what are the differences between GB19083 and GB2626? In fact, GB19083-2010 "Technical Requirements for Medical Protective Masks" is the real source of the technical standards for protective masks in the medical industry. Reading through the original text of the national standard, it has many similar technical parameters with GB2626. For example, it also has three levels of filtration efficiency, and also detects the filtration of non-oily particles (compared with KN type masks). However, it directly abandons the parameter requirements of oily particles (that is,Quickly Delivery Disposable Protective Clothing, completely different from KP type masks), while the first level is ? 95%, and the highest level 3 is ? 99.97%, which is equivalent to directly benchmarking KN95 and KN100, without the lower level of KN90. That is to say, the lowest standard of GB19083 filtering performance is equivalent to the KN95 standard of GB2626. However,3 Ply Disposable Protective Face Mask, please note that there is no "N95" in GB19083 in China, but "Grade 1", "Grade 2" and "Grade 3" are used to express the filtration efficiency grade. Generally, Grade 1 can meet the requirements of "N95/KN95". That is to say, as long as any "medical protective mask" meets the GB19083 standard, it has absolutely reached the filtration efficiency of N95 and KN95. In addition, like the surgical mask of YY0469-2011, GB19083 also puts forward the requirement of "synthetic blood penetration", and also adds a parameter requirement of "surface moisture resistance", which clarifies the protective effect of medical protective masks on blood, body fluids and other liquids, CE Certificate KN95 Mask ,KN95 Face Mask, which is not found in GB2626. Now you should know what are the differences between the masks that meet the two different national standards of GB2626 and GB19083? (1) The KN type respirator conforming to GB2626 cannot be used for medical operations, especially for high-risk operations such as tracheotomy and tracheal intubation, which may splash, because it cannot guarantee that the respirator will not be wet. (2) Grade 1 or above masks conforming to GB19083 can not only achieve 95% filtration, but also prevent liquid penetration, and can be used for various operations in medical institutions. (3) It conforms to the surgical mask of YY0469, with less than 95% filterability, but it can prevent liquid penetration. Because its tightness with the face is not as good as that of medical protective masks, it is generally not used for the protection of high-risk operations, but it can meet the operation of ordinary risks. Since August 1, 2009, the standard of Respiratory Protective Equipment Self-priming Filter Particulate Respirator (GB2626-2006) has been implemented, which specifies three levels of protection for particulate matter: KN90, KN95 and KN100. The protection grades for oily particles are KP90, KP95 and KP100. Filtration efficiency: 90%, 95%, 99.97%. KN100 and KP100 are of high protection grade. The national standard GB2626-2006 stipulates that the filter element of the dust mask is permanently marked with the national standard, year number and protection grade mark of "GB2626-2006-KN100". The higher the protection level and filtration efficiency, the higher the safety of dust masks. Expand the full text Many mask manufacturers will be required to do GB2626 standard certification, especially in online shopping malls will be required to provide GB2626-2006 standard quality inspection report! It can help enterprises to obtain qualified test reports smoothly. ? Provide improvement suggestions for the products submitted for inspection, so as to reduce the trouble of retest. 1. Range of protective masks The standard for protective masks specifies the basic requirements, test methods, identification and instructions for use, packaging, transportation and storage of medical protective masks (hereinafter referred to as masks). This standard is applicable to self-priming filter type dust-proof medical protective masks that can filter particles in the air and block harmful gas droplets, blood, body fluids, secretions, etc. 2 Normative References The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. For dated references, subsequent amendments (excluding corrigenda) to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying new editions of these documents. For undated references,Full Body Disposable Coverall, the new edition is applicable to this standard. GB 2626-2006 Standard for Respiratory Protective Equipment Self-priming Filter Particulate Respirator GB/T191-2000 Pictorial marks for packaging, storage and transportation GB/T 4745-1997 Textile Fabrics-Determination of Resistance to Surface Moisture-Water Test 15980 Hygienic standard for single use medical products GB/T 16886.7-2001 Biological Evaluation of Medical Devices-Part 7: Ethylene Oxide Sterilization Residue GB/T 16886. 10-2000 Biological Evaluation of Medical Devices-Part 10: Tests for Irritation and Sensitization Back to Sohu, see more Responsible Editor:.



Reference | Requirements for protection level of medical staff in COVID-19 _ Scoring standard

Posted by 11 days ago (

Description: Original Title: Reference | Requirements for Protection Level of Medical Staff in COVID-19. 01 Protection level requirements 02 Scoring standard for protective suit on and off Expand the full text 03 Level III protection standard Level III protection standard and applicable population In the prevention and control of COVID-19, in order to minimize the risk of infection among prevention and control personnel and provide scientific protective measures for personnel in different positions, the three-level protection standards are defined as follows: I. First-level protection Protection standard: wear work clothes,Full Body Disposable Coverall, disposable hats, disposable surgical masks,free shipping disposable coverall, disposable isolation gowns and disposable gloves. Applicable crowd: 1. Specimen transportation and inspection personnel; 2. Close contacts and medical observation personnel; 3. Pre-examination and triage and fever clinic medical staff. Secondary protection Protection standard: wear work clothes, disposable hat, medical protective mask (N95 and above), Medical Full Body Coverall ,KN95 Face Mask with Five Layers, goggles or protective mask, a medical protective suit, disposable gloves and disposable shoe covers. Applicable crowd: 1. Epidemiological investigation personnel for close contacts with symptoms, epidemiological investigation personnel for observation or confirmed cases; 2. Disinfection personnel for families of suspected or confirmed cases or places that may be contaminated; 3. Medical staff and drivers for transferring close contacts with symptoms, observation or confirmed patients; 4. Personnel who enter the isolation observation room, isolation ward or isolation ward for diagnosis and treatment, cleaning and disinfection. Level III and III protection Protection standard: on the basis of secondary protection, add a mask, or replace the medical protective mask, goggles or protective mask with a full face mask or an electric air supply filter respirator. Applicable crowd: 1. People who collect samples from close contacts with symptoms, observed or confirmed cases; 2. Medical staff who perform brachytherapy on suspected or confirmed cases; 3. Workers who handle blood,Medical Quickly Delivery Antivirus Coverall, secretions, excreta and corpses of dead patients. 4. Other staff involved in epidemic prevention and control should wear disposable surgical masks. COVID-19 pandemic Period Medical staff should pay more attention to protection. To avoid nosocomial infection, return to Sohu to see more Responsible Editor:.



How to ensure smooth customs clearance when KN95 masks are delivered to Japan? Protective mask to the United States package clearance to the door what are the conditions? _ Certification

Posted by 11 days ago (

Description: Original title: How to ensure smooth customs clearance when KN95 masks are delivered to Japan? Protective mask to the United States package clearance to the door what are the conditions? How to ensure smooth customs clearance when KN95 masks are delivered to Japan? Protective mask to the United States package clearance to the door what are the conditions? According to data from Johns Hopkins University, as of 14:00 Eastern Time on April 1, the cumulative number of confirmed cases in the United States was at least 203608, with at least 4476 deaths. Under such a crisis epidemic, does the United States still refuse China's KN95 masks? A few days ago, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded Hua Chunying to a question that "the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) refused to allow KN95 masks, a Chinese substitute for N95 mask, to enter the United States", saying that it was not clear why the US had made such a decision. Hua Chunying said that under the current epidemic situation, masks are urgently needed by all countries, and China's domestic demand is also very large. Chinese enterprises are working at full capacity, working overtime and working day and night to meet domestic demand while providing as much support as possible for the prevention and control of the epidemic in various countries. Although the supply of anti-epidemic materials also involves specific issues such as differences in product certification standards in different countries and regions, these issues should not become obstacles to cooperation in anti-epidemic materials. Mask export fever is escalating again, so what is the problem with China's mask production? According to, who on earth is making masks? How to justify the authenticity of the manufacturer's qualification? What is the cooperation process and mode? What is the current stage of the overseas mask market? What are the possible risks? Many people do not understand these problems. In response to these problems, Hugo has made in-depth communication with sellers, manufacturers and traders related to the export of masks, hoping to be helpful to everyone's judgment. Who is making masks in the current market? It is understood that there are four main types of manufacturers producing masks in the current market: 1. The original qualified old factory was making epidemic prevention materials before the outbreak of the epidemic. When the epidemic breaks out in China, there are basically temporary licenses issued by the government; 2. New factories that appear after the outbreak of the epidemic do not engage in the mask industry before the outbreak of the epidemic, but have certain qualifications. For example, there are aseptic workshops or similar mask equipment, which can produce masks through some improvements, so the government will also issue some licenses to such suppliers, so that they can rectify the production line. These factories can get the government's qualification, and can get some recognition in quality control. For example, Gree, including some listed companies and large companies. 3, private enterprises, small workshops, the production environment of these factories is very simple or even no dust-free workshop, generally shipped at night, and under the guise of "our supply has been purchased by the government, but the price of government acquisition is very low, we have to take some goods to the market for sale" to fool customers, such as this situation can basically be judged as "three. Their products have neither certificates nor packaging. Expand the full text 4. Middlemen, one of the "main forces" selling masks on the market at present, many middlemen will find factories to cooperate, purchase masks in large quantities, and then connect with purchasers in need. The serious imbalance between supply and demand in the mask market caused by the sudden attack of the epidemic has provided some illegal manufacturers with opportunities to take advantage of the situation, resulting in uneven quality of masks on the market. And the circle of friends, middlemen, layers of agents, also formed a strange image of the whole people selling masks, resulting in fluctuations in the mask price market. How to defend the authenticity of the manufacturer's qualification "The more I understand the industry, the deeper I find the water.". True or false, a lot of things can not be based on experience, or standards to distinguish between true and false, so far I have contacted dozens of, really all aspects of the standard, may only be three. And these dozens are also screened out by our repeated investigations. A trader said helplessly. How to distinguish the authenticity of masks in the market, or how to reduce the probability of being cheated? Industry insiders give the following suggestions: 1. Whether there is certification qualification Certification qualification is definitely the first threshold for choosing a mask manufacturer. If there is no qualification, you can pass it directly, but even if there is qualification, you have to study it again and again. According to industry sources, in the current market, large and small mask manufacturers, their certification qualifications are basically true, and even some small factories have more qualifications than large factories, and the certification standards are higher. The emergence of this phenomenon, on the one hand, is related to the certification qualification audit mechanism, such as some certification, only need to audit the legal qualification of the factory as an enterprise, and it is self-complaint, the threshold is low. On the other hand, there are also cases of spending money to find agents for certification, or even taking other products for certification. When many factories go to test and certify, the quality of the masks sent for inspection may be qualified, or they may directly take the masks produced by others to test and obtain the certification qualification. I even heard that you can get certification by spending tens of thousands of yuan on the market now. For example, we have inspected a factory that does not even have a decent production workshop, but their certification report is indeed the production qualification of EN14683 medical masks. A trader said. In addition, there are also many manufacturers, middlemen, with other certification qualifications, swindling. Now the circle of friends also has a lot of sun certification, such as mosaic of important information materials, certification qualifications, for customers to view, which makes it more difficult to distinguish the true from the false. 2. Factory scale and production environment Field research is the most necessary step. Although many manufacturers have all kinds of qualifications, field research will find that their production environment is not compliant, workers wear even daily clothes, and the storage environment of masks is completely open. Large compliant factories usually have a certain scale of production, such as listed companies and well-known enterprises, which are supervised by the government and the public. In this regulatory environment, it is impossible for them to do some irregular operations. And this kind of big factory, has the aseptic production workshop, the worker's production flow, the equipment is also very standard. We contacted a compliance manufacturer whose factory is directly in the national food and drug safety production base. Their workers are three shifts of production, everyone has to wear protective suit, gloves, masks and other equipment, come out and go in have to be repeatedly disinfected, outsiders can not enter at all. 3. Careful study of certification qualification A. Check whether the certified company entity is consistent with its production entity. Many small manufacturers will take other people's qualifications to publicize. However, if the certified company subject and the production subject are not the same, it can be basically judged that the production subject does not have the production qualification. If a certification subject has additional production sites, it must also be put on record, and the new production sites will be added to the "brackets" behind the qualification certification. B. Detailed verification of production data Formal declaration of masks for export requires the factory to provide all the means of production, including business licenses, medical equipment production licenses and other internal information, which is usually not available to outsiders. In addition, there may also be some manufacturers who will declare and export through some grey channels. However, it is worth noting that if the masks eventually flow to the medical institutions of hospitals, if there are problems, the manufacturers and exporters can be found through layers of traceability, and they may face prosecution in the future. Therefore, we advise you not to take risks. C. Validity period of qualification certification The certification of the factory can be officially checked, but pay attention to the validity period of the certification. A case: a foreign customer contacted a domestic manufacturer, all aspects of qualifications were met, and the certification was true, but when the European import customs clearance, it was found that the qualification certification had just expired for one day, and the result was that it could not be cleared. 4. Government endorsement is more valuable It is precisely because of the relatively large amount of water in the certification data that it is now endorsed by the government and more trusted as a designated manufacturer for hospital cooperation during the epidemic. Industry insiders said that if non-governmental designated manufacturers, it is very difficult to get the production qualification of medical devices for the record. In this case, the value of the government's designated manufacturers is much higher than that of various certification qualifications. There is a rule that regular and qualified large factories generally do not take the initiative to release relevant information,Medical Disposable Coverall, and customers take the initiative to queue up with cash. Cooperation process and mode with mask manufacturers A trader told Hugo that at present, the qualified compliance manufacturers he has come into contact with are all introduced by acquaintances or friends, and they need to queue up on their own initiative. The manufacturer will deal with it in turn according to the order in which the trader pays the deposit. And usually, there is no spot. The trader introduced the process of cooperation as follows: 1. The minimum order quantity is at least 500,000, which can be accepted reluctantly. Sign the contract immediately on the same day and pay at least 50% deposit. Pay the deposit, take the goods in installments, and deliver them all in 10 days. Usually, it takes two weeks to wait in line to pick up the first shipment. If the goods are delivered in 10 installments, 50% of the deposit is allocated to 10 payments as an advance payment. Simply put, there is an advance payment for each subsequent shipment, and the final payment for each shipment is also settled. 2. The way of delivery requires the buyer to pick up the goods by himself, or call for express delivery. However, in the current situation, the time limit for express delivery response is extended, and the application submitted in advance may not be agreed to be fulfilled until two days later. At the same time, the buyer has to prepare relevant information and submit it to the customs broker for customs declaration and shipment. The goods are shipped abroad on the same day they are received. It is reported that due to the shortage of spare positions, the current national routes, logistics timeliness has been delayed, to deliver goods to Italy, for example, the usual time limit is 5-7 days, but now it is 7-10 days. Prices have also doubled, rising by tens of yuan per kilogram. 3. Delivery to overseas customers. From the perspective of capital security, it must be that overseas customers pay first, and then traders settle accounts with factories. But because of the problem of time difference, coupled with the factory reminder, traders have to pay in advance. 4. Customs detention of goods According to the Internet, in the case of global shortage of epidemic prevention materials, many countries have also seized epidemic prevention goods. How to avoid it? "This situation does exist, and it is difficult to avoid.". So usually, our practice is not to print the words "medical" and "N95" on the outer packaging. A trader said. At the same time, we should ensure that all aspects of qualifications are complete and minimize the risk of being detained. However, it disclosed that if the domestic customs declaration is normal and the goods are detained at foreign customs, the risk is the responsibility of overseas purchasing customers. In addition, some people say that through small packages and personal mail channels, goods can be avoided being detained. However, industry insiders pointed out that the capacity of small packages is limited. At present, the same address every day can not exceed two pieces,Medical Disposable Coverall, not more than 10 kilograms, and the declared value can not exceed 5000. This approach is not realistic for large quantities of purchases. Development trend of overseas mask market According to traders, taking KN95 masks as an example, the comprehensive cost of ex-factory price plus logistics costs may be more than ten yuan, but when exported to Europe, the price may be more than five times higher. It was also learned that affected by the epidemic, many traditional traders, the original main business orders fell sharply, but the expansion of masks and other related epidemic prevention products business, but a substantial increase. The two offset each other, and the total order volume has risen sharply. Even some traders made a profit of 100 million yuan in two weeks. Such a big profit temptation also drives more and more people to enter the mask business. Among them, some factories, traders and sellers even began to prepare their own production lines. The information from suppliers is that overseas prices will continue to rise, but our own customer feedback shows that the price of masks has begun to decline slowly. A trader revealed. According to its introduction, a mask manufacturer it is currently cooperating with began to prepare for the production of masks on the third day of this year's New Year (January 27), and the first batch of masks left the factory on February 25. The cost of a machine is more than 20 million, and usually, it is difficult to order a machine, or it takes a long time. The price of melt-blown cloth, the raw material of masks, is also doubling, and it has been controlled, so it needs to meet certain qualifications to get it. Because from our point of view, the market is already declining. If masks are put into production now, the risk is already relatively high. Someone in the industry preached. He said that there is already a surplus of mask production capacity in China, and the demand abroad may not be as great as we have seen. For example, the actual purchasing demand of foreign businessmen is 1 million, but he will exaggerate it to 10 million, because the larger the purchasing volume, the closer to the real base price of masks. At the same time, he will cast a big net and send out a large number of inquiries, so that the news spread, the original demand of 1 million, may be exaggerated into tens of millions of demand. A cross-border seller also said that its main European and American markets, C-end demand for masks has also shown a downward trend. According to its analysis, on the one hand, the epidemic may get worse and everyone will not go out. The living environment in Europe and the United States, such as pastures, villas and gardens, is naturally a very good isolation environment, without wearing masks. On the other hand, the time limit for cross-border online shopping is too long, and C-end customers may not be able to wait for such urgently needed supplies as masks. Anti-epidemic materials (KN95 mask, protective mask, isolation suit, hand sanitizer, goggles) available for Siqi International Logistics 1. FBA First Express: Siqi International provides UPS, DHL, Fedex, T-N-T and EUB logistics channels for transportation, which can meet the needs of customers. It is more economical to provide international express transportation for different categories, weight segments and different user needs. Among them, UPS is suitable for goods above 100KG, DHL is suitable for goods below 75KG, T-N-T is suitable for super-large and super-long goods, and E-Post is suitable for the transportation of goods below 2KG. 2. FBA first air transport: Siqi International Logistics provides flights from airlines in Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Beijing, Hong Kong and other regions to avoid the problem of transportation backlog in the peak season, and double customs clearance tax package to the door to solve the problem of customs clearance. The European region is free to choose between double customs clearance and independent VAT channels. Avoid European VAT issues for customers. The time limit of price concessions for American air distribution channels is stable. Suitable for customers with low timeliness requirements and logistics cost savings 3. FBA first voyage shipping: Siqi International Logistics has a wide range of shipping channels. The shipping schedule is every Thursday. There are fast ships and slow ships in the United States. The sailing time is 14 days to reach the port of the United States. After customs clearance, it can be shipped to Amazon's warehouse in the United States in 1 to 3 days. The Clipper can sign for 12 working days. Europe (Britain, Germany, France, Italy) Haijiapai special line can be signed for about 30 days. SIQI also supports to arrange the transportation of bulk cargo or full container separately according to the requirements of customers. The following countries of Siqi International Logistics support the delivery of double clearance tax: the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, Canada, Mexico, India, Russia, the Philippines, Australia, Indonesia, Myanmar, KN95 Mask with Fast Shipping ,Antivirus Disposable Mask with CE Certificate, Thailand, Vietnam, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Dubai, South Africa, Pakistan, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, Poland, Hungary, Belgium, Luxembourg, Denmark, Netherlands, Austria, Finland, Ireland, Portugal, Sweden, Czech Republic, Northern Ireland, Bulgaria, Estonia, Greece, Lithuania, Latvia, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Croatia, Ukraine, Turkey, Singapore and Taiwan. Amazon FBA First Trip Logistics Double Customs Clearance Tax Package Door-to-door Freight Forwarding Air Freight Express Shenzhen Delivery to Japan FBA, UK FBA, USA FBA, Germany FBA Amazon Warehouse USA FBA Shipping, USA FBAAir Freight, Shenzhen FBA Shipping, Guangzhou FBAShipping, Guangzhou FBAAir Freight, Amazon Return and Label Exchange, FBA Customs Clearance Service, USA Overseas Warehouse, Shenzhen FBA air freight, air plus special line, sea plus express ship, UPS express, DHL express, FedEx, EMS, E postal treasure. American Amazon Customs Clearance Logistics, British Amazon Customs Clearance Freight Forwarder, Japanese Double Clearance Tax, Canadian Amazon FBA First Journey, German Express Special Line, Shipping, Amazon Clearance Logistics, FBA First Journey, Double Clearance Tax, Express Special Line, Shanghai Style, Air Transport, Air Transport Meisen Express Shipping to American Amazon Warehouse Shanghai Style Special Line, British Amazon FBA First Journey Logistics. Japan double clearance package tax freight forwarding, Canada package customs clearance air plus FBA special line channel, shipping to the United States FBA warehouse, Japan Amazon tariff prepayment package clearance door-to-door logistics, the United States FBA shipping, the United State FBA air transport, DHL to the United States package customs clearance logistics. Main export products: watches, electronic cigarettes, glasses, sunglasses, sunglasses, carpets, dance blankets, yoga mats, pure batteries, lithium batteries, storage batteries, dry batteries, power banks, chargers, power adapters, Bluetooth headsets, hand warmers, children's toys, nail polish, keyboards, liquid water, electronic toys, adult products, foundation, Cameras, imitation mobile phones, alloy toys, toys, cosmetic brushes, screwdrivers, unlicensed mobile phones, plastic toys, massage sticks, phalluses, test equipment, walkie-talkies, wooden toys, inflatable dolls, silicone dolls, aloe vera gel, hair straighteners, electric fans, slippers and shoes, airplane cups, smart sockets, hairpins and hairpins, bags, decorative flowers, toys, mobile phone shells, cups, wallets, nail glue, Sight, data cable, cup, hot melt adhesive, perfume, telescope, charger, feeder, candle, belt, vernier caliper, power adapter, cat litter, electronic candle, vegetable cutter, steel tape measure, Bluetooth, color pen ballpoint pen, projection lamp, egg beater, toy robot, bracelet, pencil oil pen, electronic photo album, frying pan, mobile phone holder, watch, stationery, Barbecue grill, clothes, intelligent sweeping robot, tea set, glass knife, Western knife, TV box, earphone, paring knife, auto parts, barbecue gloves, screen device, stereo, fruit knife, 3D printing pen, led flashlight, piggy bank, bag, tweezers, laser pen, mixer, candy box, books, grinder, flashlight, grinder, telephone watch, etc. Electronic mosquito killer, solar lamp, instrument, shaver, mousetrap, glasses, solar panel, fishing rod, razor, mosquito trap, sunglasses, outdoor flashlight, rod, aircraft, infrared device, swimsuit and goggles, outdoor led lamp, artifact, player, mouse, picture album, gift box, Western knife, shoes, carpet, accessories, tobacco oil, wine rack, bread machine, clothing, hiking boots, VR glasses, emergency lights, fishing gear hooks, U disk, imitation watches, Bluetooth glasses, signs, wireless chargers, underwear, imitation shoes, wooden ornaments, table lamps, wigs, textiles, imitation bags, dolls, car covers and clothes, fitness equipment, electronic products, yoga mats, plush toys, climbing bags, basketballs,Medical Full Body Coverall, handicrafts, children's toys, infrared rangefinders. Football. Return to Sohu to see more Responsible Editor:.



Structure of down-the-hole drill | Working principle and classification of down-the-hole drill _ Rotation

Posted by 11 days ago (

Description: Original title: Structure of down-the-hole drill | Working principle and classification of down-the-hole drill Let the mood travel Down-the-hole drill, which you may not hear much about, is a kind of drilling machine, which is often used for drilling rock anchor cable holes, anchor holes, blasting holes, grouting holes and other drilling construction in urban construction, railway, highway, river, hydropower and other projects. In this article, the small drill will give you a detailed introduction to the structure, working principle and classification of the down-the-hole drill, all to understand it! Mechanism Composition of Large Open-pit Down-the-hole Drill 1. Drilling frame: The drilling frame is the guide rail for the sliding of the slewing device and the propulsion and lifting of the drilling tool. 2. Carriage: The carriage is a square box structure welded by steel plates, which is used to connect and support the drilling frame. 3. Slewing device: The mechanism is composed of hydraulic motor, spindle mechanism, pressing head, sliding plate and central air supply mechanism. A chain of the propelling mechanism is fixed on the sliding plate through a pin shaft and a spring damping mechanism. 4. Propulsion mechanism: The propulsion mechanism is composed of propulsion hydraulic motor, chain wheel group, chain and buffer spring. 5. Rod unloader: The rod unloader is composed of the upper rod unloader body, the lower rod unloader body, the rod clamping oil cylinder and the rod unloading oil cylinder. 6. Dust removal device: The dust removal device is divided into dry dust removal, wet dust removal, mixed dust removal and foam dust removal. 7. Traveling mechanism: The traveling mechanism is composed of traveling frame, hydraulic motor, multi-stage planetary reducer, crawler, driving wheel, driven wheel and tensioning device. 8. Frame: air compressor unit, dust removal device, oil tank pump unit, valve unit and cab are all installed on the frame. 9. Body slewing mechanism: The mechanism is composed of slewing motor, brake, reduction gear, pinion, slewing bearing, etc. 10. Drill frame deflection mechanism: This mechanism is composed of deflection cylinder, hinge shaft and hinge seat, mining dth bit , which can make the drill frame deflect left and right and adjust the drilling angle. 11. Compressed air system and impactor: The compressed air system is generally equipped with a screw air compressor, which provides compressed air for the high wind pressure impactor and the blowing and ash removal system of the laminar flow dust remover. Basic composition of universal down-the-hole drill Expand the full text The drilling tool is composed of drill pipe, button bit and impactor. When drilling, two drill rods are used to connect the rod to drill, and the stainless steel plate is used. The rotary air supply mechanism consists of a rotary motor, a rotary speed reducer and an air supply gyrator. The rotary reducer is a three-stage cylindrical gear enclosed anisotropic component, which is automatically lubricated by a spiral oiler. The air supply gyrator is composed of a connecting body, a sealing element, a hollow main shaft, a drill rod joint and the like, and is provided with a pneumatic clamping claw for connecting and disconnecting the drill rod. The lifting pressure regulating mechanism is to lift the slewing mechanism and drilling tool by the lifting motor with the help of the lifting reducer and lifting chain. The closed chain system is provided with a pressure regulating cylinder, a movable pulley block and a waterproof agent. During normal operation, the piston rod of the pressure regulating cylinder pushes the movable pulley block to realize decompression drilling of the drilling tool. Working principle of down-the-hole drill The working principle of the down-the-hole drill is the same as that of the ordinary percussive rotary pneumatic rock drill. The pneumatic rock drill combines the percussive rotary mechanism, and the impact energy is transmitted to the drill bit through the drill rod; while the down-the-hole drill separates the percussive mechanism (impactor) and dips into the bottom of the hole. No matter how deep the hole is drilled, the drill bit is directly installed on the impactor, and the impact energy is not transmitted through the drill rod, thus reducing the loss of impact energy. With the increase of drilling depth, the loss of rock drilling capacity at the submerged rod and joint (medium-deep hole drilling) increases, the drilling speed decreases significantly, and the cost increases. In order to reduce the loss of capacity and improve the drilling efficiency, a down-the-hole drill was designed in the actual project. The down-the-hole drill is also powered by compressed air, and the rock is broken by rotary impact to form holes. Its working principle is that the pneumatic impactor of the down-the-hole drill together with the drill bit is installed at the front end of the drill rod. When drilling, the propulsion mechanism makes the drilling tool continuously propel and applies a certain axial pressure to the bottom of the hole, so that the drill bit contacts with the rock at the bottom of the hole; The rotary mechanism makes the drilling tool rotate continuously, and the impactor installed in front of the drill pipe makes the piston impact the drill bit back and forth under the action of compressed air to complete the impact on the rock. The compressed air enters from the rotary air supply mechanism, reaches the bottom of the hole through the hollow rod, and discharges the broken rock powder from the annular space between the drill pipe and the hole wall to the outside of the hole. It can be seen that the essence of down-the-hole drilling is the combination of two rock crushing methods of impact and rotation under the action of axial pressure, in which the impact is intermittent and the rotation is continuous, and the rock is continuously crushed and sheared under the action of impact and shear force. Percussion work plays a leading role in DHD. Classification of down-the-hole drill The structure of down-the-hole drill has two types: integral type and split type. According to the exhaust mode, it can be divided into side exhaust and center exhaust. According to the shape of the hard alloy embedded in the working surface of the down-the-hole drill, it can be divided into blade-type down-the-hole drill, column-tooth down-the- hole drill and blade-to-hole mixed down-the-hole rig. The integral down-the-hole drill is a single down-the-hole drill whose head and tail are made into one. It is easy to process and use, and can reduce the loss of energy transmission. The disadvantage is that when the working face of the down-the-hole drill is damaged, the whole is scrapped. The head of the split down-the-hole drill is separated from the tail (shank) of the down-the-hole drill, and the two are connected by special threads. When the head of the down-the-hole drill is damaged, the drill shank can still be used, thus saving steel. However, the structure is more complex, and the energy transfer efficiency is reduced. Article content source network, if there is infringement, please inform! END Source: Drilling Rig Business Circle We are committed to protecting the copyright of the author, the source of the content has been marked,down the hole bit, only for the dissemination and sharing of knowledge. No other commercial profit, if there is infringement, please contact us to delete. Push Return to Sohu to see more Responsible Editor:.



NC drill specifications Daquan, the history of the most complete finishing! _mm

Posted by 11 days ago (

Description: Original Title: NC Drill Specification Encyclopedia, the Most Complete Arrangement in History! Drill is a tool used to drill through holes or blind holes in solid materials and to ream existing holes. The commonly used drill bits are twist drill, flat drill, center drill, deep hole drill and trepanning drill. It is customary to classify reamers and counterbores as drill bits, although they cannot make holes in solid material. Expand the full text High-speed steel hollow drill bit, also known as core drill bit or hole opener, drill bit classification: high-speed steel drill bit, hard alloy drill bit, tungsten steel drill bit; cutting depth: 35MM, 50MM, 100M; suitable for drilling machine: imported magnetic seat drill, magnetic drill, domestic magnetic seat drill,dth rock bit, magnet drill, magnet drill, steel plate drill, magnetic drill, machine tool,fastest dth hammer, bench drill, seat drill and so on. Diameter specification: 12mm to 100mm; the main material of drill bit is high-speed steel. Powder metallurgy; Cemented carbide. The axis of the drill bit shall be inclined at an angle of 60 ° to the grinding wheel surface. This angle is the point angle of the drill. If the angle is not correct, it will directly affect the size of the point angle of the drill, the shape of the main cutting edge and the bevel of the chisel edge. This refers to the position relationship between the axial line of the drill bit and the surface of the grinding wheel. It is OK to take 60 °, which is generally more accurate. Attention shall be paid to the relative horizontal position and angle position of the drill bit before sharpening. The two positions shall be considered as a whole. Do not neglect to set the angle for the sake of setting the cutting edge, or neglect to set the cutting edge for the sake of setting the angle. The greater the ratio of the length to the diameter of the drill bit, the greater its tendency to bend. The bending force can be reduced by reducing the length-diameter ratio, thereby avoiding the breakage of the drill bit and the increase of the hole diameter error. Deeper holes require drill sizes with larger length to diameter ratios. Usually, a hole with a depth of more than three times the diameter is a "deep hole", and the depth of a micro-drill generally exceeds this limit. Specification of electric hammer bit: 6mm, DHD Drill bit ,dhd drill bit, 8mm X 110mm; 8mmx160mm; 8mm,10mm,12mmx210mm,10mm,12mm,16mm,20mmx450mm? The main body of the hard alloy electric hammer drill is made of high-quality alloy steel, and the tool bit is welded with hard alloy. Used together with various electric hammers, suitable for drilling on hard building materials such as concrete, brick, etc. It is a widely used and highly efficient punching tool in the construction and installation industry. Do not want to engage in low-level work, want to get rid of the status quo, want to learn UG programming, you can find some crown education teachers to learn CNC numerical control technology. Specification of electric hammer bit set: 5110mm × 6 Specification of electric hammer bit set: 5110mm, 6110mm, 6160mm, 8160mm, 10160 mm Round shank and square shank of electric hammer bit 6MM 8MM 10MM 12MM 14MM 16MM-28MM is Through-wall drill length 350 MM 16MM 18MM 20MM 22MM 25MM 28MM Drill bit type A. Classification by structure (1) Integral drill bit: the drill top, the drill body and the drill shank are integrally made of the same material. (2) End welding type drill bit, the drill top part is welded by carbide. ?? Classification by drill (1) Straight shank drill bit: the drill bit diameter is less than ? 13.0. Below mm, straight shanks are used. (2) Taper shank drill bit: the shank of the drill bit is tapered, and generally its taper is Morse taper. ?? Classified by use (1) Center drill bit: It is generally used to drill the center point before drilling. The front conical surface is 60 °, 75 °, 90 °, etc. In order to use the tailstock to support the lathe during operation, the 60 ° center drill bit should be matched with the lathe tailstock center at 60 °. (2) Twist drill bit: It is the most widely used drill bit in industrial manufacturing, and we generally use twist drill bit. (3) Superhard drill bit: The front end of the drill body or all of it is made of superhard alloy tool material, which is used for drilling and processing materials. (4) Oil hole drill bit: The drill body has two small holes through which the cutting agent reaches the cutting edge to take away heat and chips. With this drill bit, the workpiece is generally rotated while the drill bit is stationary. (5) Deep-hole drill bit: It was first used for the drilling of gun barrels and stone barrels, also known as gun barrel drill bit. The deep-hole drill is of a straight flute type, which cuts a quarter of a strong portion in a circular tube to produce cutting edge chip removal. (6) Drill bit reamer: In order to meet the needs of mass production, the front end is a drill bit and the rear end is a reamer. The diameter of the drill bit and the diameter of the reamer are only the margin of reaming. There are also drill bits used in combination with screw tapping, so they are also called mixed drill bits. (7) Taper drill: Taper drill can be used when machining the feed inlet of the mold. (8) Cylindrical hole drill: We call it a countersunk end mill. The front end of this kind of drill has a part with a smaller diameter,Mining Drilling Equipment, which is called the lead. (9) Taper hole drill: It is used for drilling taper holes. Its front end angle is 90 °, 60 °, etc. The chamfering cutter we use is a kind of taper hole drill. Return to Sohu to see more Responsible Editor:.



Continuation of Classic | 50-90 MM Small Aperture Anvil Drill is Coming with High Efficiency! _ Job

Posted by 11 days ago (

Description: Original Title: Continuation of Classics | 50-90MM Small Aperture Top Hammer Drilling Rig Attacks Efficiently! Kong Shan added another fierce general. KS680 Top Hammer drill Relying on technological innovation and local market demand, Kongshan Heavy Industry has integrated advanced and reliable design concepts of drilling rigs for more than 18 years, and devoted itself to the development and launch of KS680 top-hammer drilling rig to meet the needs of users with flexibility, convenience, high efficiency, energy saving and environmental protection! It is the hard core of rock drilling in narrow environment and rugged working conditions such as subway,rock drilling tools, foundation pit and tunnel. What is the difference between a top-hammer drill and a down-the-hole drill? 01 The impact mechanism of the down-the-hole drill is at the bottom of the hole, and the impact power is directly applied to the tail of the drill bit, so it is called down-the-hole drill. The percussive mechanism of the top-hammer drill is at the bottom of the hole,overburden drilling systems, and the percussive power acts on the top of the drill rod, so it is called top-hammer drill. 02 The down-the-hole drill uses a high air pressure air compressor and is equipped with a down-the-hole drill bit at the drill bit position, which is suitable for hard rock above 200 MPa. The top-hammer type drilling machine uses the medium and low wind air compressor; the rock drill on the top of the drilling frame is used for operation. It is more suitable for rock operation with hardness below 200 MPa. 03 The hole diameter of the down-the-hole drill is more than 105mm, which is larger than that of the top-hammer drill, and the hole depth is 10-45m, dth drilling hammer ,mining dth bit, so the efficiency of using the down-the-hole hammer is high! The hole diameter of top-hammer drilling machine is less than 127mm, and the hole depth is usually not more than 20m. When the hole depth is about 15m, the top-hammer drilling efficiency is relatively high! Conclusion: The two kinds of drilling rigs have their own advantages, and only by selecting the appropriate equipment under the appropriate working conditions, can the greater economic benefits and the minimum operating costs be achieved. Next, let's take a look at what the KS680 top hammer drilling rig is superior to others! Expand the full text KS680 hard core design Compact and flexible design The whole machine has small volume, light weight and large driving force Fast walking speed and strong cross-country ability It is suitable for large and medium-sized drilling rigs. Convenient and flexible in rugged sites where work cannot be done Mature design, "drilling" non-stop Rock drill with powerful power High drilling speed, strong penetrability and high hole forming quality It can continue to work efficiently and stably under harsh conditions. Achieve more perfect drilling completion And faster and stronger work performance. Precise hydraulic system, efficient drilling Leading Borehole Control System Matched with reliable and durable rock drill Drastically reduce drilling cost With standard two-stage dry dust collection Realize dust-free operation Multi-angle high-efficiency drilling Heavy duty propulsion beam Rigid and durable drill boom Horizontal, vertical and inclined holes can be drilled efficiently High quality hydraulic and power supply components Dustproof, waterproof, high temperature resistant, reliable and stable operation Ergonomically friendly design Control panel with ergonomically friendly design concept The layout is reasonable and clear All necessary operating parameters can be displayed At the same time, the operating platform has excellent visibility to ensure efficient drilling. Greatly improve the operation friendliness Excellent performance and energy efficiency The work is stable and efficient. Strong and stable chassis Carry Guangxi Yuchai Non-road national III emission standard engine Achieve superior fuel economy Improved durability and overall balance Efficient design and easy maintenance The covering parts of the whole machine adopt gull-wing design. Reasonable layout of the whole machine to ensure sufficient maintenance space Original spare parts, professional service personnel to ensure efficient production Main technical parameters of KS680 KS680 Hardcore strength KS680 core components inherit the consistent high-end quality of Kongshan, and also strengthen the design of structural parts,dth drill bits, which is efficient and flexible, and perfectly unified with your needs! In order to give you a better understanding, we have specially produced the image film of KS680. Let's enjoy its excellent work performance together! Return to Sohu to see more Responsible Editor:.



Running 10: Zhou Shen challenges the Olympic champion, contracts the whole period to watch, and the hot search topic breaks ten million seconds! _ Lv Xiaojun _ Chang Ning _ Guest

Posted by 11 days ago (

Description: Original title: Running 10: Zhou Shen challenges the Olympic champion, contracts the whole period to watch, and the hot search topic breaks tens of millions of seconds! The tenth program of "Running Bar 10" was still filmed in Changji, Xinjiang. At the beginning of the program, the whole staff appeared in Changji Stadium. The powerful singers in the music world, Zhou Shen and Bai Lu appeared in the same frame, wearing a sportswear, a white coat with red sports pants, showing a special style of painting with a sense of CP. They also put out the shape of "white crane shining wings". He looks very handsome in everything. All kinds of flying kicks make all the guests laugh, which is worthy of being the laughing point of the whole program. Where there is Zhou Shen, there will be laughter, which can bring us unexpected surprises every time. This time, unlike previous programs, the running man family will face the challenge of "kicking the hall". That is to say, the flying guests in this program are all here to "smash the field" and fight with the six champions. The first flying guest is weightlifter Lv Xiaojun. The program also took Zhou Shen, white deer, baby as an example. After watching his personal short film, Zhou Shen's face was full of envy. When shaking hands with Lv Xiaojun, the program also gave Zhou Shen the word "seconds". In fact, it's not that Zhou Shen is afraid to meet with athletes, but out of respect. You know, Zhou Shen is the only image spokesman for the Beijing Winter Olympics. Expand the full text In front of the sportsmen, there was no star shelf at all, and his face was full of smiles. Comedian Sha Yi deliberately accosted Lv Xiaojun and pretended to be very familiar with him. Once again, he was a real "iron fool". The second was Xu Mengtao, who had just participated in the skiing ceiling of "Riding the Wind and Breaking the Waves 3" not long ago. Sigong regretted to withdraw from the competition,dth hammer bit, which became a difficult feeling in the hearts of many audiences. Her departure caused Cyndi Wang's team to dance again overnight. Unfortunately, she sprained her foot. For Mango TV, without the pistachio Xu Mengtao, it was really a big loss. I never thought that she would be in the same frame with Zhou Shen in Running Man 10. One is the famous pistachio, the other is the little prince. They are bound to put on a good show. The third is the champion of the women's volleyball team, Zhang Changning, who is 1.95 meters tall. Zhou Shen is very cute. He shakes hands with her while jumping. In front of Zhang Changning, Zhou Shen is more like a middle school student. Zhang Changning also deliberately lets Zhou Shen clap hands with himself, but it is not difficult for Zhou Shen to jump and easily touch his opponent's right hand. It can be seen that Zhang Changning is also a die-hard fan of Zhou Shen. Otherwise,Tapered Rock Bit, he would not only interact with Zhou Shen. The fourth one is Gao Tingyu, a flying man on ice, and the fifth one is Liu Huihong, a good friend of Jay Chou. He reproduces the famous fitness scene and is known as the Godfather of fitness. From a certain point of view, this program should be called "Athletes Special Show". As soon as he came out, he made a big move. The muscles on his body successfully attracted Zhou Shen's attention. Finally, the finale was the good friend of the champions, Xie Na's apprentice and Zhou Shen's good friend Wei Daxun. His style was extremely different. He looked more like the silly son of the landlord's family. Before opening the game, Liu Huihong led the whole team to warm up and danced the popular "calisthenics" again. The background music is also Jay Chou's masterpiece "Compendium of Materia Medica". Zhou Shen has learned it well, and every movement is in place, which is in sharp contrast to other guests. The plot of Zhou Shen and Liu Huihong dancing "aerobics" is enough to be recorded as a famous scene in the Chinese music world. The first game is called'Summit Duel '. The two teams decide their own order of playing. The members with the same serial number will have a one-to-one battle. They will tear up their nametags and decide the size of their nametags by drawing lots. The more they tear up, the more chances they have to win. After listening to the rules of the game, Zhou Shen shouted,' Is there only one game recorded today? ' No one expected that the program group would play so much at the beginning. Sha Yi was the second to appear on the stage. His opponent was Zhang Changning. He was led by the nose from beginning to end. He had no initiative at all. He lost without any suspense. Invisibly, he also created a lot of famous scenes in the circle. Zhou Shen played in the third round against weightlifter Lu Xiaojun. At this time, Zhou Shen's strength was far less than that of the other side, but he had a special Olympic spirit. If you want to challenge, choose the character of the king level. Only when the strong fight against the strong, dth button bits ,Borehole Drill Bits, can you rub out different chemical reactions. After the start, Zhou Shen is particularly methodical. He used the legendary'Lion Roaring Skill 'to give the other side a blow first. He pulled the momentum full, and his hands and feet were extremely flexible. But Lv Xiaojun did not play cards according to the routine. He grabbed Zhou Shen's hand and refused to let go. When the other side was not paying attention, his firepower was all open. Netizens also called it "deep stubbornness". In order to help the team win the honor, Zhou Shen used all his strength and was thrown one after another, which made people feel very distressed. Although he lost to the other side, it was still glorious to lose. As long as he worked hard, after all, the other side was an athlete. In the end, the brother team lost to the champion team with a score of one to five. The second round of the game is called'Fast Meteor '. The two teams take turns to send people to challenge. Members choose the distance to challenge, press the button, and the ball begins to fall. Members need to receive the ball before it falls to the ground. The challenge is successful. The test is the speed of the guests. Each person has two chances to challenge. It has to be said that the program group is so good at playing that they try their best to torment the guests. Zhou Shen, as usual, had a special group soul. He was the first to represent his brother team. He chose to challenge the distance of 8 meters. After starting, he was as fast as lightning and successfully caught the volleyball. Because he was too serious, he was also hit in the throat. It can be called "one ball seals the throat". But Zhou Shen did not complain at all. He always sent out the positive energy of his idol and refreshed the previous cognition of netizens. In the second round, the difficulty increased and the challenge was 9.1 meters. As expected, a kneeling slip, like a rocket, caught the ball steadily and won the applause of the whole team. He proved himself with his strength. Interestingly, when it was Zhang Changning's turn to challenge, Zhou Shen compared her arm length with her leg length, showing the most adorable height difference, which made many audiences laugh. In addition to Sha Yi, the brother team played very well and successfully pulled back a game. In the third round of the game, the members of the two teams were leggings, six people and seven groups. They needed to complete the forward roll, paper cup pass, cross the high ground waist pole, jump rope, a total of five checkpoints. Finally, the team with the shortest time won, testing the tacit understanding of the members. After listening to the rules, Zhou Shen reappeared the classic expression package. In the process, Zhou Shen contracted all the jokes. I believe that many audiences, like me, pay attention to Zhou Shen all the way. Any link is completed perfectly. When the paper cup is passed, the singer's strong vital capacity is brought into full play. The paper cup is passed without hands. The lower waist passes easily. Finally, under the leadership of Zhou Shen, he completed the challenge in 4 minutes and 39 seconds. When it was the champion team's turn, the brother team kept making trouble and lost successively when they went down to cross the pole. In this regard, Zhou Shen's online singing of "Lonely Brave Man" "Love You don't Kneel" once again filled the comedy effect of this program. All the audience in the bullet screen shouted "I haven't heard enough". The final competition was a comprehensive endurance race of marbles. To put it bluntly, let the marbles compete. The marble Zhou Shen got was'Dalmatian ', and the white deer got'Little Jelly', and Sha Yi got'Desert '. Li Chen was the first in the first round. Zhou Shen's'Dalmatian' played in the second round. He felt that Zhou Shen was more excited than he was to participate in the competition. He shouted'Come on Dalmatians' all the way, but unfortunately none of them rushed into the finish line. Finally, the champion team'Win-win 'won the victory of this issue. The audience was very satisfied with the result. After all, This period want to convey is professional ability and sportsmanship. After the broadcast, ZhouShen as always was pushed on the micro Bo hot search, Hot words'Running man vs world champion'Reading volume until today, Reached 32.49 million. In addition, The topic'ZhouShen speed skating catch '' ZhouShen vital capacity is how strong'Hot search seconds break ten million, Zhou Shen This shows how strong the influence of idol Zhou Shen is. I don't know if everyone has any different views on Zhou Shen's performance? Welcome to collect, forward, leave a message, one key three! Return to Sohu to see more Responsible Editor: (function() { function getBrandHtml() { var brands = [],mining drill bit, html = ''; for(var i = 0; i < brands.length; i++) { var brand = brands[i]; if(brands.length i+1) { html+= ''''; } else { html+= '''?'; } } return html; }; if(document.getElementById('linkBtn')){ document.getElementById('linkBtn').onclick = function() { $('#brands').removeClass('brand');$ ( '# tipInfo').text ( 'Real name responded'); $ ('#linkBtn').remove();$ ('.real-response .content').css('line-height', '20px');$ ('.real-response .time').css('line-height', '20px'); }; document.getElementById('brands').innerHTML = getBrandHtml(); }; })();

