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What are the main categories of digital forensics?

Posted by 9 days ago (

Description: Network forensics focuses on monitoring and analyzing network traffic and data logs to identify and investigate security incidents or policy violations. It involves capturing network packets, reconstructing network sessions, and identifying unauthorized activities or intrusions.


Tag: digital forensics

What are the qualifications needed to become a CFE in South Africa?

Posted by 21 days ago (

Description: For those aspiring to excel in fraud examination, achieving CFE certification resonate expertise and commitment to integrity. CFEs play a significant role in corporate sectors, public institutions or private consultancy in South Africa, safeguarding the economic landscape of the country against fraud.


Tag: CFE in South Africa

Service of Summons - Tcg Forensics

Posted by 13 days ago (

Description: Service of Summons is a legal process that formally notifies an individual or entity that a legal action has been initiated against them and that they are required to appear in court or respond to the proceedings. The process is important as it ensures that all the parties involved are given a fair opportunity to present their case. The summons gives details of the court where the case is filed, the parties involved and the nature of the claim. The process is conducted by the court appointed officer who personally delivers the summons to the defendant. If the personal delivery is not practical, alternative delivery methods like delivery to a responsible person at the defendant’s address, registered mail or even public notice may be authorized.


Tag: Service of Summons

Digital fraud investigations Aouth Africa

Posted by 23 days ago (

Description: TCG Digital Forensics is your trusted partner in digital fraud investigations. Our experienced team uses state-of-the-art tools and techniques to uncover the truth behind fraudulent activities.


Tag: Digital fraud investigations

What is the rule 5 for service of summons?

Posted by 13 days ago (

Description: Rule 5 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP) in the United States governs the service of summons. Specifically, Rule 5 outlines the methods by which parties involved in a civil lawsuit must provide formal notice to each other about the lawsuit.


Tag: service of summons

The Computer Guyz: Unlocking the Secrets: The Essential Guide to Cellular Forensics

Posted by 20 days ago (

Description: In the digital age, mobile devices are not just communication tools but repositories of vast amounts of personal information and data. From texts and emails to photos and location history, our cell phones hold secrets about our lives, behaviors, and relationships. Cellular forensics, therefore, has become a critical field in both law enforcement and private investigations, offering a window into the digital soul of modern society. This guide explores the fascinating world of cellular forensics, shedding light on its processes, challenges, and the profound impact it has on solving crimes and uncovering truths.


Tag: business

What qualifications do you need for digital forensics?

Posted by 29 days ago (

Description: Continuous learning and staying updated on the latest technologies and methodologies in digital forensics are also crucial for success in this field.


Tag: digital forensics

How to become a digital forensic investigator in South Africa?

Posted by 13 days ago (

Description: Continuous learning is essential in the field of digital forensics to stay updated with emerging technologies and techniques. Consider pursuing advanced certifications or further education to deepen your expertise and advance your career.


Tag: digital forensic

The Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) Credential | The Certifie… | Flickr

Posted by 18 days ago (

Description: Looking for expert digital forensics services in South Africa? TCG Digital Forensics has a team of Certified Fraud Examiners (CFEs) ready to assist you with investigations and fraud prevention. Get in touch with us today!


Tag: CFE South Africa

CFE | Fraud Investigations | Digital Forensics | Service of Summons

Posted by 12 days ago (

Description: Digital fraud can be a serious issue for businesses and individuals alike. Learn about digital fraud investigations and how digital forensics can help.


Tag: Digital Fraud Investigations

Digital Fraud Investigations - Tcgforensic

Posted by 18 days ago (

Description: Need help with digital fraud investigations?


Tag: Digital Fraud Investigations

Digital forensics jobs south africa

Posted by 23 days ago (

Description: TCG Digital Forensics specializes in digital forensics, offering solutions to businesses and individuals in need of expert investigation and data recovery.


Tag: Digital Forensics

What is a Service of Summons?

Posted by 5 days ago (

Description: A service of summons refers to the act of officially delivering legal documents to an individual or entity involved in a lawsuit. These documents typically include a summons and a complaint, providing information about the lawsuit and notifying the recipient about their legal obligations.


Tag: Service of Summons

Tcgza: How to investigate digital fraud?

Posted by 17 days ago (

Description: Digital fraud is becoming increasingly common in today's technologically advanced world.


Tag: digital fraud

Understanding the Service of Summons: A Comprehensive Guide

Posted by 27 days ago (

Description: When it comes to legal matters, understanding the service of summons is crucial. Whether you are involved in a civil lawsuit or a criminal case, receiving a summons is a fundamental aspect of the judicial process. In this comprehensive guide, we will explain what a service of summons entails and why it is essential to be aware of your legal rights in such situations.


Tag: Service of Summons

What is the role of forensic science in modern society? |

Posted by 22 hours ago (

Description: Cellular forensics involves the extraction, analysis, and interpretation of digital evidence from mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. This field has evolved rapidly in recent years, keeping pace with advancements in technology. From call logs and text messages to internet browsing history and GPS data, mobile devices store a wealth of information that can be invaluable to law enforcement in solving crimes. One of the key roles of cellular forensics is the recovery of deleted data from mobile devices. Many criminals are aware of the potential evidence stored on their phones and attempt to erase it. However, with the right tools and expertise, cellular forensic analysts can often retrieve this deleted information, providing crucial evidence that could be the key to solving a case.


Tag: cellular forensics

Service of Summons - Digital Forensics

Posted by 3 days ago (

Description: TCG Digital Forensics provides professional service of summons for court cases. Let our experienced team handle the process with accuracy and efficiency. Learn more here.


Tag: Service of Summons

What is the process of digital investigation

Posted by 10 days ago (

Description: Digital investigation, also known as digital forensics, is a process of collecting, analyzing, and preserving digital evidence for legal purposes. With the increasing use of technology in everyday life and criminal activities, digital investigation has become an essential tool for law enforcement agencies, businesses, and individuals.


Tag: business

How do I become CFE in South Africa?

Posted by 10 days ago (

Description: A CFE South Africa is a skilled and certified person responsible for resolving allegations of fraud, obtaining evidence, taking statements, writing reports, testifying to findings and helping in preventing and detecting of fraud and other white collar crimes.


Tag: business

Skills required by CFE experts

Posted by 16 days ago (

Description: An Association of Certified Fraud Examiner, an autonomous organization provides anti-fraud training and sets standards for the proper conduct of fraud investigations, oversees and administers CFE credential programs. For becoming a CFE, an individual must hold a minimum of bachelor degree and have at least two years of qualifying experience in criminal justice, accounting, fraud investigation, loss prevention and or legal profession.


Tag: CFE South Africa

Are you looking for digital forensic services in South Africa?

Posted by 21 days ago (

Description: Looking for reliable digital forensic services in South Africa? CFE South Africa specializes in TCG digital forensics, providing comprehensive solutions for your investigative needs.


Tag: CFE South Africa

Tcgza: What is the process of digital investigation?

Posted by 23 days ago (

Description: Digital investigation, also known as digital forensics, is a process of collecting, analyzing, and preserving digital evidence for legal purposes. With the increasing use of technology in everyday life and criminal activities, digital investigation has become an essential tool for law enforcement agencies, businesses, and individuals.


Tag: Digital Fraud Investigations

What are the three main process of mobile forensics?

Posted by 5 days ago (

Description: Mobile is the sub-category of digital forensics and is concerned with retrieving data from an electronic source. The main focus of mobile forensics is the recovery process of evidence from mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. Mobile devices are used and relied on by individuals in the digital age. With individuals using their mobile phones for data sending, receiving and searching, it is reasonable to assume that these devices hold a fundamental quantum of evidence that investigators may utilize in their investigating process.


Tag: digital forensics

CFE | Fraud Investigations | Digital Forensics | Service of Summons

Posted by 14 days ago (

Description: Dive into the world of digital forensics with TCG Digital Forensics. Our comprehensive solutions and expert team will help you navigate the complex landscape of cyber investigations.


Tag: Digital Forensics

How Forensic Techniques Enhance the Efficiency of Summons Service

Posted by 21 days ago (

Description: Forensic techniques have long been utilized in criminal investigations to uncover evidence and solve crimes. However, these techniques are not limited to just law enforcement. In recent years, forensic techniques have found their way into various fields, including the legal system. One area where these techniques have proven to be extremely valuable is in the efficiency and effectiveness of summons service.


Tag: Summons Service

CFE | Fraud Investigations | Digital Forensics | Service of Summons

Posted by 22 days ago (

Description: TCG Forensics specializes in digital forensics, offering expert services to uncover digital evidence for legal and investigative purposes. Discover how our team can assist you.


Tag: Digital Forensics

The Role of Cellular Forensics in Modern Law Enforcement

Posted by 1 days ago (

Description: Cellular forensics involves the extraction, analysis, and interpretation of digital evidence from mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. This field has evolved rapidly in recent years, keeping pace with advancements in technology. From call logs and text messages to internet browsing history and GPS data, mobile devices store a wealth of information that can be invaluable to law enforcement in solving crimes.


Tag: Cellular forensics

Why is Personal Service of Summons Important?

Posted by 17 hours ago (

Description: The personal service of summons is important because it ensures that the defendant is aware of the legal action being taken against them and has an opportunity to respond to the lawsuit. This is a fundamental aspect of due process, which ensures that all parties are given a fair and just hearing. Without personal service of summons, a defendant could claim that they were not aware of the lawsuit and, as a result, may be unfairly prejudiced in the court proceeding.


Tag: Service of Summons

CFE | Fraud Investigations | Digital Forensics | Service of Summons

Posted by 16 days ago (

Description: Join the Certified Fraud Examiner course in South Africa to deepen your skills in Digital Forensics and Digital Fraud Investigations. Discover what we have to offer!


Tag: CFE South Africa